Sunday, February 20, 2011

Visiting Jinsong

We made a trip back to Jinsong....where we first stayed when we arrived in see if we could find a new cord for Jacob's X-Box. We also wanted to see if we could find a new cord for my computer since it died somewhere between Panama and Canada.

We left the house bright and early and were surprised by the van we passed down in our complex......
....should we be worried? LOL!

The Subway ride was very entertaining. We met the cutest little girl while we waited to get on line 10 who was giving her mother heck for something. We may not know the language but her expressions and hand motions were universal "2-3 year old tantrum!" Of course, once she got on the subway and saw my camera....she was all smiles!

But it didn't stop there! First she wanted to show us her very pretty outfit....................

Then , of course, she had to model the outfit for us.....did you notice the Steelers colors going on? Which was beyond adorable!

And finally....she wanted to take a picture with me. Of course she had to see every picture I took....once i was done taking it. I guess she wanted to make sure I got her best side! LOL!

After that long and ever so familiar ride back to Jinsong, we left the subway so we could wander down the road to the market where they sell everything you can possibly think of...and then some. As we exited the subway we were surprised by the increased numbers in bicycles waiting outside the exit.
After we left the market....we found my computer cord, but Jake's was sent off to be fixed....we saw the cutest little boy out in the parking lot refusing to leave because this man was shoveling the last of the snow. He wouldn't look my way to begin with but finally....he did!
After I took his picture and waved bye, I stood up to leave but that was when I saw the woman behind me. She waited until I turned around and was looking at them before she started pushing her daughter towards me...telling he to get her picture was too funny!

We then headed back to the subway to go home so I could go to work but not before stopping for some lunch at McDonalds.....

....where we met a very nice chinese woman, named Nikki, who had just returned to China after living in the States for 10 years. We sat and talked to her for quite a while and would hav stayed longer if I hadn't needed to get home so I could go to work. I do have her email and will be emailing her in the next day or so to say hello.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I noticed that you are a teacher for First Leap in Beijing. I see that you have not posted in a while but hopefully you will be able to see this and tell me a bit about your experience with this company. There are very few reviews of First Leap online, though one is very unfavorable. Any information you can provide on working for First Leap would be greatly appreciated.
