Friday, February 11, 2011

Adorable Children We Have Seen In China

While traveling around China, and doing the "touristy" thing called sightseeing, we have come across some of the most ADORABLE kids ever!

Grandma had to wipe off his runny nose first!

While we were walking around the Wangjing Area on our 1st day of apartment hunting we came across a little boy in a red coat who actually stopped in the sidewalk, mouth wide open, and stared at Bob with a look of total disbelief on his was hilarious! Then he turned and saw me and he came running right over to say hello.....and to play with my camera!

A little farther down the road we saw a woman and her son walking backwards down the sidewalk towards us. He was singing a song and having a great time out with his cute!

He is actually walking backwards towards us....not forwards away from us.
Just pass this little boy we came across another set of Grandparents who were more than thrilled to have their grandson talk to the foreigners. Grandma kept telling the boy stuff to say and he would repeat it. When I asked Cindy what they had said, she told me the usual..."Hello!"...."How are you?"...."I love you!" cute!

The day we went to Tian'anmen Square we saw the most adorable twins, dressed in traditional Chinese outfits, (it is the Chinese New Year right now) at a street festival. Grandpa was holding one trying to get him to smile for his parents who were trying to get his picture with the plant/flowers.....

Grandma was holding the other boy and he was a little more cooperative when there was a camera around...he too was wearing traditional chinese garments.

Today, when we were out getting some groceries, we came across a little girl and her grandparents on a scooter. This is the year of the rabbit and she was making sure she showed her "Rabbit Spirit"!!

We will keep adding pictures to this blog as we continue to run across adorable kids...because they are EVERYWHERE!! :-)

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