Friday, November 12, 2010

My Wallet said...."OUCH!"

Today was the day! We went to the Chinese Embassy here in Costa Rica to apply for our Visa's, this being our 3rd trip so far this week, and after finally gathering the correct papers...we turned them in. We were told that we would be able to pick up our Chinese Visa's next Friday. Happy as we were to hear that, the joy did not last long because the next thing she did was hand us our paper for the bank. In Costa Rica, you take the receipt paper to the bank, pay the fee, and get a yellow receipt. Then you take that receipt to the Embassy and turn it in as proof that you have paid for your Visa Applications.

Now I am not sure if she told me an incorrect amount last time or if I completely misunderstood her, but what we thought was going to cost us about $120.00 for all three of us turned into around $500.00 for all three of us. Apparently I confused 18 with 84....not sure how because she said it in English....broken English but English none the less!

Now the school/company will reimburse me for my fee but we still have to pay for Bob and Jake's. I guess we should be used to these little surprises but actually.....not so much. Now we have to watch the exchange rate and find the best day to change our dollars into colones to guarantee the best price for us.

If it's not one thing it is another! LOL! Oh well....such is life!

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