Monday, February 14, 2011

The First Leap Closet Cleanout!

Well the day has finally come, after being closed for 2 weeks, my work place...First open for business again! Since I am not scheduled to work you may be asking yourself, "Why is she so excited?"
I'll tell you was 'Clean Out the Supply Closet Day!"' and it has been a long time coming!

That closet has been on my "Spring Cleaning Hit List" since I first stepped foot in my new school. I had made one half-hearted attempt but to no avail.... (see the organized book bags and shirts in the back corner?)
That was not the case today! We woke up to a blistery, snow-covered Valentines Day and set out to my work to spend the day together as a out the closet! Do we know how to have fun or what? LOL!

So in we strolled, rolled up our sleeves, and started tearing the place apart! First we took all of the big boxes out and found the floor. Then we moved things onto different shelves, setting up the right side of the room as the supply side....shirts, socks, shoes, projectors, microphones, bookbags, reusable bags, stationary, teacher books, and prizes.

We found a lot of hidden treasures that no one seemed to know we had such as a guitar, a keyboard, a trampoline, and cooking oil! LOL!
Then we set up the left side as the teacher supply side. It included flashcards, puppets, glue, whiteboard pens, musical instruments, science projects, mirrors, scales, magnifying glasses, paper, paper....and more paper....and anything else you think a teacher might need to teach a class.

It felt good to finally have the closet organized and now I will be able to sleep without dreaming about how it was before. The funny thing is, I had told Bob about the closet so when he visited the Sunday before we went on break he asked to look at it and....set a date for cleaning it out! got to him too!

There were only a few teachers there today and they were very surprised by how quickly we were able to clean it out.....(only took about 4 1/2 hours to do it)...and said they are very excited to be using the new closet now! And a special thanks goes out to our cleaning staff who came right in when we were done and took the cardboard boxes away for us...and broke them down to recycle....and took all of the trash out for me! That was very kind of them because we were very tired! that the closet is done...what is next on my list of "Things To Do"? Any suggestions anyone?


  1. Hello! I am about to do an interview with firstleap to hopefully then become a teacher in China. I wondered if you could give me some first hand information/experience?

    Many thanks!

    1. How did your interview go? I'm asking as I'm in the same position as you.
