Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You Ready To Learn Something??

Well, we did some brain storming today and came up with what we think is a really cool idea! Since Jacob is going to be homeschooled in China through an online school out of Maryland, we were trying to think of cool projects for him to do for his classes.

We came up with the idea of him creating a web page that people will go to where he will post videos he creates about different historical/interesting/current sites in China. He will do things such as go to the Great Wall of China and video tape a message telling everyone some history about the wall; along with some interesting facts. The whole thing will be on vidoes that people can look at.

There are so many amazing places to see in China and not everyone will have the chance to see them in person so this is an interesting way to experience the country. Anyone can look at a picture in a book....but now you will be able to walk along side him and experience it as if you were actually there!

He is so excited and we think this is going to be an amazing project for him to put together!

****Don't worry....there will still be tons of pictures and stories for all of our friends and family to look at. This will just be a little bit of a bonus!!****

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