Saturday, November 13, 2010

The "Terrible Towel" Meets the Great Wall of China

Having moved to Costa Rica, not realizing just how little Steelers football we would actually be able to watch, we are very excited to be watching our 3rd Steelers game in a row. Tomorrow the Steelers take on the Patriots and we will be glued to the televison like all other true Steelers fans!

This got us thinking today about China. Bob said that have to take our terrible towels, which we brought with us to Costa Rica, to the Great Wall in China and take our picture on the Great Wall holding the Terrible Towel! Then we started to think of all the places we can take our picture holding the terrible towel, while living in China.

This made us think about getting our picture here in Costa Rica before we leave. The only problem is we aren't sure what would be considered,"THE PLACE" in Costa Rica to take our picture with the towel. No place jumps out at us right away. We will need to do some research because we definitely need to take our picture with the towel in Costa Rica before we move again!

If you have any suggestions....let us know!

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