Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You say "Hello!" I say "Ni Hao"

So we are getting closer and closer to our move to China and we are wanting to practice our Chinese before we go...at least our greetings and such. So Jacob took the time to write down some greetings and general words that we feel will be important on flash cards so Bob and I can practice.

We have several words downpat so far....they are:
1.) Hello......Ni Hao......(pronounced....knee how)
2.) How are you?.....Ni Hao Ma.....(pronounced....Knee how ma)
3.) Please.....Qing....(pronounced....king)
4.) Thank you.......xiexie ni....(pronounced...she she knee)
5.) Yes......shi......(pronounced....she)
6.) No.....bushi....(pronounced.....boo she)

Jake is making flash cards so we can learn a couple new words every day....which has been very helpful. Of course I think one of the hardest things about moving to China will be wanting to talk in Spanish because not only will we have lived in Costa Rica for 6 months before we move and have been greeting people in Spanish the whole time but also because there are a lot of Chinese people here and they all talk to us in Spanish all the time....including the people at our local pulperia!

Bob and I are starting to feel a lot more comfortable with those 6 words/phrases that we have learned so we set out to the market to get milk and eggs...and to practice our Chinese. I have to laugh because apparently the people at the market are thinking the same thing we are and they have decided that they are going to practice their English on us while we are here! So a typical conversation goes like this.........

We walk into the market and are greeted by the cashier..."Hola!".... "Ni hao!"...(we go and get our stuffand go to check out)..."Is that everything?"...."Shi"......"Would you like a bag?"....."Qing"......"Have a great day!"...""Xiexie ni!"

Oh well, we both get to practice and.....they haven't corrected our pronunciation yet!

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